Fit Rx Health + Wellness

Hormone Secrets

Dr Robert Yoho Season 2 Episode 55

Robert Yoho returns to discuss his new book: Hormone Secrets: Feel Great and Age Well Using Bio-Identical Hormones.  After practicing medicine for his entire career, the author investigated and became an expert on medical corruption. You might remember our previous podcast together about his book, Butchered by Healthcare.  

Medical corruption also extends to the world of hormones.  We discuss estrogen, testosterone, thyroid and much more. I can help you make the right choices about these if you are my patient. To  find out more about these subjects, see:

My patients have been given special permission to use a hidden link that will download both books for free. Just ask me the next time we speak!

To review Hormone Secrets, here is the direct link:

“Nothing is so strongly fortified that it cannot be taken with money.”   —Cicero

Dr. Robert Yoho, M.D. returns to discuss his new book: Hormone Secrets: Feel Gret and Age Well Using Bio-Identical Hormones.  Dr. Yoho is an expert on medical corruption.  You might remember our previous podcast together about his book: Butchered by Healthcare.
He took that knowledge and exposes the medical corruption in the world of hormones.  We discuss estrogen, testosterone, thyroid and much more.  You can find out more about Dr. Yoho at:

You can download a free copy of the book with this link:

and then review it at this direct link: