Fit Rx Health + Wellness

Sparkle 4 Mental Health

August 05, 2023 Christine Sauer Episode 121

 My guest is Dr. Christine Sauer - physician, naturopath, coach.  She developed DocChristine Coaching as a way to help relieve suffering from seemingly endless and permanent mental and physical health conditions like depression, anxiety, obesity, and others to find alternatives and show a strategy and way out of the trap of being a victim to disease and to truly start to “Sparkle”, to live a meaningful life full of passion and purpose.

Her own story of overcoming serious mental illness & losing 150 lbs - & keeping it off for over 15 years - is meant as hope and inspiration to others who are still going through the darkness.

Check out her own podcast: Sparkles 4 Mental Health. 

Find out more about her at:

My clinic is: